For the past several years it has been the workplace chatter in break rooms, cafeterias and lounge areas in organizations across the country: cutting back, doing more with less, and stretching every penny and every paperclip. Photocopy machines, computers, printers, … Continue reading
Continue ReadingEquipment Financing
Telecom Financing and Development: What’s Old Becomes New Again
Telecommunications funding has never been a cheap or low expense industry. Many years ago cable companies and those in telecommunications had to come up with telecom funding to cover the enormous costs of installing and laying down copper cable lines. … Continue reading
Continue ReadingBusinesses Choose Factoring Services for Every Season
Many businesses sputter along in the summer making June, July and August the longest months of the year indeed to business owners and managers. Yet the stagnation of sales during those long summer months doesn’t have to be such a … Continue reading
Continue ReadingPremium Financing Specialists Provide Advice on Your Options
Obtaining small business financing for your growing company remains a challenge with corporate banks issuing fewer loans and for lower dollar amounts. Moreover, applying for a small business loan is a time- and energy-consuming task. The good news is today, … Continue reading
Continue ReadingSmall Business Financing Offers Accessible and Flexible
Despite some improvements in the economy, obtaining traditional Small Business Financing from banks remains problematic and challenging. Business term loans remain available to established, profitable medium- to large-sized corporations, yet often remain out of reach for small and startup businesses.
Continue ReadingGet Your Hands on Cutting Edge Gear with Equipment Leasing
The rate of change within the fields of technology seems to be increasing exponentially thanks in part to technological advances and improvements. People buy the latest and greatest smart phones, tablets, video gaming consoles and computer software every six to … Continue reading
Continue ReadingGrow Your Company on Your Own Terms with Equipment Financing
Needing new equipment, machinery, and related gear to support bolstering company operations is generally viewed as a good sign that your business is moving in the right direction. After all languishing, sitting-still machines can signal a business’s downfall. So when … Continue reading
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