In recent years, businesses of various sizes and sectors have learned about the benefits of factoring receivables in order to get financing for their cash-strapped companies.
Continue ReadingGet Help with Invoice Factoring Services to Pay Uncle Sam
Running a small business is no easy feat, and managing your small business finances – particularly your taxes – is likely every business owner’s least favorite task. Yet filing your taxes year after year is a necessity.
Continue ReadingU.S. Manufacturing Rises Bit by Bit
The American manufacturing sector has experienced a slow and quiet resurgence in recent years as more and more companies decide to produce goods within the 50 states.
Continue ReadingPrep Time Is Here: Small Business Finance and Taxes
For many small- and medium-sized business owners, February marks tax preparation and filing time. Of course there are some last-minute filers who delay until mid-April. But business owners who are on top of their financial and operational affairs recognize February … Continue reading
Continue ReadingOil and Gas Financing to Fuel the National Energy Boom
Our latest infographic explains the benefits of oil and gas financing and how factoring provides dependable and consistent cash flow to cover the many costs related to the oil and gas industry.
Continue ReadingWhat the Drop in Prices Means for Oil and Gas Financing and the Larger Industry
Oil prices have plummeted recently, which has caused a ripple effect throughout the global economy. A wide number of reasons contribute to the steep price decline, including the widespread adoption of new drilling technologies (fracking), geopolitical issues, international oil production … Continue reading
Continue ReadingPayroll Financing Helps Businesses Meet Staffing Demands
The month of November in 2014 was one of the best months for hiring of recent record, and from the numbers, the growth looks to be more than temporary hiring help. Industry experts are now saying that the entire year … Continue reading
Continue ReadingMeet Your New Year’s Resolutions with Alternative Financing
Now that 2015 is upon us and like most business owners, you have probably put together some new year’s resolutions to improve businesses process and procedures for the next 12 months. After all, making positive changes is what the New … Continue reading
Continue ReadingGet a New Financial Outlook in the New Year
Depending on your industry, the month of December can be crazy busy with high volume sales and managing all that inventory. On the other hand, if your business isn’t in retail, wholesaling, distribution or manufacturing, business can be dreadfully slow. … Continue reading
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