Should You Consider Factoring for Your Custodial and Janitorial Business?
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Should You Consider Factoring for Your Custodial and Janitorial Business?

by Peter Amundson

Commercial building managers in both the public and private sectors rely on janitorial service providers to ensure that their facilities are clean and fully functional. However, when these clients take more than 30 days to settle their outstanding invoices, it can create a significant cash flow problem that hampers the effective operation of janitorial companies. The good news is that a solution exists. By utilizing invoice factoring specifically designed for janitorial services, you can secure the necessary working capital to keep every client’s operations running smoothly.

How Does Invoice Factoring for Janitorial Services Work?

Receivables factoring for janitorial service providers is a seamless process that transforms your unpaid invoices into immediate cash flow. By partnering with a factoring company, you can convert outstanding invoices of any amount into working capital whenever needed. In essence, this allows you to exchange or sell your invoices, ensuring a steady cash flow for your business operations.

A typical janitorial factoring transaction looks something like this:

  1. Provide janitorial services to your customer, then send them an invoice for the work and submit a copy to the factoring company.
  2. Once the work is completed and the invoice is verified for accuracy, the factor will promptly release up to 90 percent of the invoice amount within 24 hours.
  3. Keep working – serve the same customer or others, generate invoices, and submit them to the factoring company as needed. Meanwhile, the factor will collaborate with your customers to collect their outstanding invoices. Once the payment is received, the factor will transfer the remaining funds to you after deducting a nominal factoring fee.

The possibilities for utilizing the funds obtained through invoice factoring are boundless. You have the freedom to allocate the cash to various areas of your business, such as bolstering your payroll to expand your team for larger projects or new clients. Additionally, you can invest in equipment and supplies to enhance the efficiency of your work, or even introduce new services to drive revenue growth. With invoice factoring, as it is tied to your sales, each investment you make in your business unlocks further potential for cash flow, enabling you to propel your business to new heights!

Cash Flow Challenges of Janitorial Companies

Companies providing janitorial and maintenance services understand the vital importance of having sufficient and dependable cash flow for the success of their businesses. When monthly invoices are sent to customers who are slow in paying, it can severely impact your business by depleting cash reserves.

Business Factor’s janitorial factoring service provides your company with the necessary funds to overcome challenges and maintain a competitive advantage. Enhance your company’s financial flexibility and seize opportunities with our tailored cash solutions., including:

  • Paying payroll and operating expenses
  • Purchasing supplies
  • Maintaining equipment and vehicles
  • Expanding into new markets
  • Taking advantage of growth opportunities

What Janitorial Factoring Can Do for Your Company

Business Factors is a nationwide company dedicated to assisting small and medium-sized businesses grappling with cash flow shortages. We understand the frustration faced by janitorial company owners and managers who struggle to meet weekly operating expenses while waiting for customers to pay invoices that are due in 30, 60, or 90 days. Without the funds owed by your customers, your business cannot operate or thrive.

Janitorial factoring converts your unpaid invoices into instant cash flow, providing a timely boost to your financial stability. Unlike traditional bank loans, factoring doesn’t burden you with additional monthly debt payments. The funds obtained through janitorial factoring belong to you, free from the weight of repayment. As factoring isn’t a loan, your company’s access to the necessary capital isn’t contingent on traditional lending criteria:

  • Lengthy loan application and documentation requirements
  • Owner’s past credit issues
  • Being a new company with little or no credit history
  • Insufficient collateral
  • Expensive loan application costs

Contact Business Factors Today!

Why not finance your business with the guidance of a seasoned professional? With decades of experience in helping janitorial service company owners grow their businesses, they are the perfect expert to support your journey.

Running a business is no walk in the park, and navigating the world of financing can be an even greater challenge. Simply waiting around won’t magically cover your expenses.

Get in touch with our team of financing experts to discuss your financial requirements and discover how we can collaborate with you to accomplish your business objectives. Here’s to your continued success!

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Improve Your Cash Position

Get a Risk-Free quote from Business Factors for immediate working capital and 24/48 hour invoice factoring

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About the Author:

author image Since 1991 I specialize in Invoice Factoring, PO financing and ABL facilities. I currently work internationally with companies in the US and Canada via our internet marketing division. Specialties: Accounts Receivable Factoring and Payroll Funding for Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Wholesale Trade Distribution, Staffing and Transportation. I always enjoy helping companies rise to the next level of success.

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