How Can Invoice Factoring Help Your Construction Company?
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How Can Invoice Factoring Help Your Construction Company?

by Peter Amundson

Have you ever encountered underestimated projects and over-budget jobs? Or perhaps purchasing expensive materials weeks before sending an invoice and facing permit delays? If these scenarios sound familiar, then you understand the challenges that can arise in project management.

If you are involved in the construction industry or manage a small contracting business, you likely encounter these issues on a regular basis. Regardless of your specialized area, such as flooring, demolition, electrical, roofing, HVAC, or any other aspect of construction, you understand that every project requires estimating, budgeting, procurement of materials and equipment, and hiring skilled labor.

Especially for larger and more expensive projects, clients typically sign an agreement but don’t expect to pay for the entire job upfront. As a result, you may find yourself having to front significant amounts of cash for project costs until the work is completed, which could take months or even years. This can lead to potential financial strain for your construction company, particularly if you have multiple ongoing projects and outstanding invoices. It’s crucial to manage your funds carefully to ensure you have sufficient operating capital during extended job durations.

Every business needs cash reserves to stay afloat, and construction companies are no exception. To ensure smooth day-to-day operations, many construction companies turn to construction invoice factoring, a reliable method to obtain the necessary cash.


What is Construction Invoice Factoring?

Invoice factoring provides a cash advance for your outstanding receivables, without the need for a loan. Once approved for construction invoice factoring, your construction company gains access to funds, usually within a few business days, for outstanding invoices. This convenient solution ensures that you can maintain a steady cash flow and meet your financial obligations promptly.

Invoice factoring enables construction companies to accelerate cash flow, allowing them to swiftly progress to the next phase of their projects or even embark on new ventures.

Invoice factoring enables construction companies to receive payment sooner, eliminating the need to wait for customers to settle invoices after reaching the next milestone or completing the project. This ensures improved cash flow and eliminates the hassle of delayed payments.


Who Uses Construction Invoice Factoring?

Invoice factoring is a viable option for all kinds of construction companies and independent contractors. Whether you specialize in landscaping, roofing, paving, site clean-up, or utilities, any contracting company that issues invoices with net terms ranging from 15 to 90 days can benefit from invoice factoring.

Construction invoice factoring is particularly beneficial for companies that may not meet the criteria for other loan options or require funds more quickly than what a traditional loan can provide. If your company is confronted with immediate expenses and deals with a substantial influx of invoices, construction invoice factoring may be a sensible solution for you.


Funding Challenges Construction Companies Face

Why is cash flow important for construction companies? Just like any other business, construction companies have their own operational costs that are typically non-negotiable., such as:

  • Payroll, for hanging on to your employees.
  • Equipment, tools and supplies, to keep work going in the office and in the field.
  • Office space, furniture, maintenance and renovations
  • Business insurance, to protect you in the case of accidents or disputes.
  • Sales and Marketing, for growing your business and keeping a steady stream of projects in your pipeline.
  • Legal fees, for assistance with business documents and contracts.
  • Utilities & rent, to keep your office comfortable and your lights on.

In addition to the daily operational aspects, astute business owners recognize the value of having additional capital to maintain a competitive edge and foster accelerated business expansion. For instance, these supplementary funds can be utilized for various purposes, such as:

  • Hiring new employees to complete jobs faster, or take on more jobs
  • Purchasing new equipment
  • Purchasing more vehicles
  • Expanding to a new location to serve more new clients
  • Marketing expenses, for attracting new clients

Furthermore, construction businesses must also ensure they have additional capital in order to be adequately prepared for such situations.:

  • Threat of getting sued -In the construction industry, there is always a risk of accidents or harm to workers and pedestrians in close proximity to the construction site. Even with strict adherence to laws and comprehensive safety measures, one can still be susceptible to legal action.
  • Paying overtime hours – As projects expand beyond their initial scope, it becomes necessary to secure additional funds to accommodate overtime pay for workers.
  • No job is guaranteed – The construction industry is highly competitive, with clients being willing to switch contractors for a better deal.
  • Unrealistic deadlines – Occasionally, clients may request unrealistically tight deadlines. As a construction business owner, you must always anticipate the potential for projects to exceed their projected timelines and budgets. Having extra funds at your disposal helps alleviate the impact of these situations, reducing the volatility of your overall business cash flow.
  • Economic downturn – In the event of an economic downturn, the real estate development and construction investment sectors are likely to be adversely affected, resulting in reduced business opportunities. It is important to acknowledge that no construction company is immune to the influence of broader economic factors.
  • Help with clients who won’t pay – Even the most pleasant clients can sometimes prove to be slow in paying their dues. They may face financial constraints during the course of a project or exhibit reluctance in settling their bills. In certain cases, clients may even request modifications to the work and refuse to remunerate, potentially leading to legal disputes. Choosing to collaborate with an experienced factoring company specializing in collections can greatly assist in recovering the outstanding payments owed by your clients.
  • Compete for more and larger jobs – By having additional cash flow, you can enhance your competitive edge, expand your service offerings, and cover upfront material costs for new projects that other companies may struggle with.
  • Handle unexpected losses – Equipment deteriorates over time. Your workers might initiate a strike, or a storm or natural disaster could halt your project. No matter what unforeseen setback or delay arises, it is crucial to have sufficient cash flow to confront it with unwavering confidence.


How Construction Invoice Factoring Works

Invoice factoring involves selling your invoices to a third-party company, known as a factoring company. Once the invoices are sold, the factoring company, or “factor,” provides you with an advance payment, deducting their fees once your clients settle the invoices. It’s important to note that when you sell an invoice to a factor, they assume responsibility for collecting payment directly from your customers.

Here’s a deeper dive into how invoice factoring works:

1. Deciding on a factor – If you determine that invoice factoring is the right choice for you, the first step is to ensure that you meet the qualification criteria. Verify if you have any outstanding invoices that are between 30 to 120 days old. If you do, then you can proceed with researching and finding a factoring company that aligns with your specific needs. During your research, it is important to consider their rates, level of experience in working with construction companies, and any additional fees they may impose.

Once you have chosen a suitable factoring company, you can initiate their application process. As part of their evaluation, the factoring company may conduct a credit check on your clients to assess their likelihood of paying back the invoices. After completing the application process and receiving approval, the factoring company will provide a factoring agreement for your review and signature. This agreement will outline crucial details such as fees, payment plans, and the initial advancement offered to you.

2. After signing the agreement – Once you have signed the agreement and are satisfied with the terms, you will receive an advance payment, typically ranging from 80% to 90% of the invoice value. As you are essentially transferring the invoice responsibility to the factoring company, they will reach out to your clients, informing them of the invoice factoring agreement and providing new instructions for direct payment to the factor. This seamless process ensures efficient management of your invoices while preserving your business relationships.

3. After the client pays the factor – Once your client has settled their invoice, the factoring company will remit any remaining balances to you, deducting their service fee or rebate. This deduction is referred to as the “reverse amount”. The rebate represents the fee charged by factoring companies for the purpose of factoring your invoices.


How does Construction Receivables Financing Work?

When exploring construction invoice factoring, you might encounter a financing option known as “construction receivables financing.” This financing plan operates similarly to invoice factoring, as it offers advances based on eligible unpaid invoices and involves a third-party company to manage and assume responsibility for the financing process.

There are, however, a few differences that be significant for your business:

  • Complete control of collection services – Construction receivables financing does not alter the way you collect payment from your clients. Through invoice financing, your clients can still pay you as they normally would, rather than paying a factor. In this scenario, there is no need for your clients to be aware of any cash flow issues you may be facing, which is a preference for many small business owners.
  • Faster approval time – The application process for invoice financing is typically shorter compared to factoring. In fact, it can be completed within just a few hours or days.
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About the Author:

author image Since 1991 I specialize in Invoice Factoring, PO financing and ABL facilities. I currently work internationally with companies in the US and Canada via our internet marketing division. Specialties: Accounts Receivable Factoring and Payroll Funding for Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Wholesale Trade Distribution, Staffing and Transportation. I always enjoy helping companies rise to the next level of success.

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