Our latest & greatest infographic to provide a full scale breakdown of the how invoice factoring process works as an alternative financing solution.
Continue ReadingThe 101 of Construction Factoring and Building Projects
You don’t have to work in construction to know that the industry has been hit particularly hard by the Great Recession and improvement has been moving at a molasses-like pace. Though home prices are rising in some areas, new growth … Continue reading
Continue ReadingKeep Track of Factoring Receivables with Online Account Management Systems
Though it has a history of use going back hundreds of years, factoring accounts receivables remains a puzzling activity to many in part because of confusion and misinformation.
Continue ReadingFactoring Companies Also Offer Electronic Payment Funding
Consumers today have more choices to pay for the products and services they want, including credit cards, debit cards, personal checks, e-payments, electronic funds transfer, and good ole’ fashioned cash. While many consumers may prefer the convenience of credit and … Continue reading
Continue ReadingInvoice Factoring Is an Off-Balance Sheet Transaction, And That’s Okay
With the rise of alternative financing and lending options as well as the persistence (though drop) of traditional lending options, small businesses today have a lot of options to choose from when considering funding. As alternative financing options such as … Continue reading
Continue ReadingAlternative Financing and Invoice Factoring
Since the banking and economic flop of 2008, lending by traditional banks has dropped considerably for small business loans according to USA Today. Coinciding with that trend, various forms of alternative lending has increased as businesses that get denied for … Continue reading
Continue ReadingTrue Story: Manufacturing
Give the Customers What They Want with Manufacturing Financing Industry: HVAC Manufacturing Company Location: Dallas, TX How Much? $100K Factoring Line
Continue ReadingTrue Story: Oil & Gas
Oil and Gas Financing Overflows to Secondary Businesses Industry: Power Washing Company for Oil & Gas Location: Oklahoma City, OK How Much? $75K Factoring Line
Continue ReadingThe State of the Small Business Loans and Invoice Factoring
Is the state of financial lending getting better or worse? The answer to that appears to be yes. Yes, according to a recent report by the Small Business Administration’s Advocacy Group, small business loans are on the increase having picked … Continue reading
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