Clientele Tips For Freight Company | Business Factors
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5 Tips For Freight Brokers To Build Their Clientele

Big freight truck speeding on freeway at sunset. Copyspace.We understand that it is very difficult for freight brokers to build a strong client base in the beginning of building their business. Finding a shipper that is not loyal to a freight company is hard to come by, but there are some ways that you can help sway them to work with you. Don’t let the excitement of starting your own freight company burn out. Keep the flame hot with these 5 sure-fire tips to build a great clientele.

1. Find Your Strengths

Before you begin your own freight company, it is important to identify your strengths. You should narrow down the specific industries, shippers, and other prospects are so that you can narrow in on one target. Going out to anyone and everyone will get you nowhere. Let your strengths do the talking to new customers. They will see that you are fit for the job and will be more likely to give you their business.

2. Get Online

After you have determined where your strengths lie, it’s time to start using them. Finding potential customers in your target range will be easy to do on the Internet. Conduct a search of leading businesses in your target. By knowing who are the big dogs in the industry, you will be able to find prospects for business.

There are also many online databases that are looking for brokers, like you, all over the country. This inexpensive and useful tool will help save you loads of time and money.

3. Make Your Presence Known On Freight Boards

This goes hand-in-hand with getting online. There are many boards that act as databases for shippers to connect with freight brokers, and vice versa. Like mentioned before, these databases are typically free to join. Take advantage of this free advertisement of your new freight company to gain a starting client base.

Typically, if you are willing to front cash to a freight board, they will post your history, credit score, and other details to give shippers more incentive to work with you.  This small fee may help you create a long-lasting clientele.

4. Try Cold Calling

Contrary to what you may be thinking, cold calling is not a thing of the past. It is easy to not want to incorporate this into your marketing plan because of how outdated it may seem, but it can still help generate leads for your business.

Before you make the call, be sure you have these two elements prepared. Know why you are making the call and do your research on the business you are calling. By doing this quick background check, you have the opportunity to identify a weakness. Some shippers may be impressed at your due diligence and give you their business.

5. Control Your Cash Flow

It is crucial that you have control over your cash flow when searching for new customers. In a new business, it may seem like you have more outgoing expenses rather than incoming. In order to make money, you have to spend money. In order to do this in a controlled manner, try using invoice factoring.

Invoice factoring will give you the opportunity to get the funds from your pending orders so that you are able to take on new ones without the wait. A factoring company will purchase your outstanding invoice and give you up to 96% of the total. This comes with no risk to your business’s credit because the ownership of the payment will now be in the hands of the factoring company. This gives you the opportunity to get the financing you need without tarnishing your name.

We hope that these 5 tips will help find the resources to gain a larger clientele for your new or established freight company.  With simple marketing and financing tactics, your company will be able to reach more customers and grow larger than you ever thought possible.

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About the Author:

author image Since 1991 I specialize in Invoice Factoring, PO financing and ABL facilities. I currently work internationally with companies in the US and Canada via our internet marketing division. Specialties: Accounts Receivable Factoring and Payroll Funding for Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Wholesale Trade Distribution, Staffing and Transportation. I always enjoy helping companies rise to the next level of success.

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