5 Growth Hacks That Never Stop Working | Business Factors
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5 Growth Hacks That Never Stop Working

Business man drawing a growing graphAs a small business owner, you are always looking for ways to grow. Find the right ways and methods to grow your business can be a difficult process. To help make it easier, we have compiled a list of growth hacks for small businesses that will always bring success.

Simple, Yet Effective Growth Hacks

Growing your small business has never been easier. Read our 5 growth hacks below.

1. Take Advantage of Invoice Factoring

For every small business, you face an onslaught of expenses. Your cash flow can greatly suffer from constant charges, but it doesn’t have to. Using invoice factoring, you can better manage your cash flow.

Invoice factoring is a type of financial product that allows you to get an advance of up to 96% of your outstanding invoices. Unlike business loans, you are getting the cash already owed to your business, ensuring that your business doesn’t take on additional debt. A factoring company steps in and purchases your invoices to give you the funds so that you don’t have to pay back any money to a bank.

By utilizing this financial service during the beginning of your career, you will be able to secure a strong source of working capital for your business to tackle a wide variety of expenses that come your way.

2. Take Your Business Online

Just as you would with type of marketing, you should put your ads where people are looking. Billboards and television ads were great a few years ago, but it’s time to take your business online. Creating a great website will make it easy for your customers to get to know your brand from wherever they are and at any time.

When business planning, be sure that you include a budget for your online advertising and website building efforts. To make a great website, you should have a team dedicated to keeping it up to date and current with the latest information about your business and its practices.

3. Embrace New Trends

Although you may not understand them, it is important to embrace the newest trends. Your customers are constantly embracing the newest trends, so it’s important that you keep up with them.

Of course, you won’t adapt to every new trend, but it is important to adapt to some. This is especially necessary with marketing trends. For example, your customers are constantly on their phones. So why put ads way up in the sky on billboards, when they’re looking down?

Even though you may not be familiar with the online world, it is important that you take strides to understand it as best as you can for the sake of your business’s success.

4. Start A Rewards Program

Everyone loves discounts. Reward your loyal customers by starting a rewards program. By making your loyal customers feel special, they will continue to be loyal to your business and be more likely to recommend other customers to your business.

There are many ways to introduce a rewards program to your business. Choose a discount that works best for your business, and remember that it can always be increased. Even the smallest perks make your customers feel as if you care about them or that they are being treated differently from others.

5. Strengthen Company Culture

Your employees are your business, so why not make them as happy as possible? Building a sense of community in your business is a powerful force. To create the feeling of a family within your business will help your employees feel more comfortable at work and, in turn, be better to customers. Your customers will notice that and think of your business in a different, positive light that they might not have before.

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About the Author:

author image Since 1991 I specialize in Invoice Factoring, PO financing and ABL facilities. I currently work internationally with companies in the US and Canada via our internet marketing division. Specialties: Accounts Receivable Factoring and Payroll Funding for Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Wholesale Trade Distribution, Staffing and Transportation. I always enjoy helping companies rise to the next level of success.

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