5 Tips for Expanding Your Business | Business Factors
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5 Tips for Expanding Your Business

How Non-recourse Factoring Can Grow Your Business

Non-Recourse Factoring 10-17 BlogIf you are ready to expand your business there are several steps you will want to look into. Knowing if you are ready to handle the expansion is really the first step. You may want to ask yourself questions such as:

  • Do you have access to capital to expand?
  • What is your stress level like?
  • Do you have the technology and means to expand?

If you’ve answered yes to two out of three of these questions, then you are most likely ready to expand. If you are still working out how to receive working capital or a consistent cash flow, continue reading. Below we have listed a few other financial tips for business growth and success.

1. Develop a new sales plan

Always remember the value in strategic planning. When you prepare you will have a better idea for what it will take to grow and reach success. This may take time and a great deal of investment, but it will be worth it in the end. Setting goals and knowing where you want to end up will help you get there more efficiently.

2. Don’t forget to have a backup plan

Positive thinking and strategic planning are great, but it’s always wise to create a backup plan. If something doesn’t pan out as expected, you will need that plan B.

3. Look into non-recourse factoring

Having a business that relies on numerous account receivables is a tough business to be in because it often takes up to a month or more to receive that money from your clients. Whether you are in staffing, oil and gas, transportation, manufacturing, or otherwise, getting the funds you need is crucial to having a stable and reliable cash flow. If you are ready to expand, make sure that you have the working capital you need with non-recourse factoring. It is a risk-free, convenient, and easy way to secure the capital you need to keep your business afloat before, during, and after your expansion.

4. Calculated risks may be involved

If you are going to take a risk, at least make sure it is a calculated decision. Often, that is what expanding is all about for small businesses. You can’t really expand without taking those risks. Keep your focus on your end goal and try to be alert for any potential setbacks, so that you can be prepared to do well even if you are taking a chance.

5. Focus on what you do best

Plans to expand can easily get you off track. Make sure that you focus on your specific industry and don’t get distracted by trying to many different avenues. While it can be good to invest in new products or services, ensuring that your business stays true to who you are and your core strengths is crucial for succeeding. You won’t want to stretch yourself too thin and let that cause you to fail.

Another fantastic benefit of non-recourse factoring for your business is that you won’t have to worry about using your resources on collections. Once you sell your account receivables to a factoring company, they take on the responsibility of collections so you can focus on your business and do what you do best.

We hope these tips help get you started and wish the best of luck for expanding your business!

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About the Author:

author image Since 1991 I specialize in Invoice Factoring, PO financing and ABL facilities. I currently work internationally with companies in the US and Canada via our internet marketing division. Specialties: Accounts Receivable Factoring and Payroll Funding for Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Wholesale Trade Distribution, Staffing and Transportation. I always enjoy helping companies rise to the next level of success.

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